Get real with your coworkers Get ready for PIPs too#meta. Hi everyone,Looking for a new gig that has great leadership and culture. RIP META. More Lay-offs coming to GoggleWoggleLand? - Blind How much time did you spend running aarons during work this week Googlers Are Insufferable. - Blind I'm sorry you risked myocarditis, blood clots, experimental gene therapy altering DNA and sterilization for a cold virus with a 99.997% survival rate and average age of death past life expectancy Is Spring a good idea for new microservices? What are better hey! For example: tldr Looks like they threw a bunch of stuff in a plate and served it to you. Thanks in advance!YoE 8Current TC 330k If any EM is here wo knows about this please respond with details like whats happening and when and whats nextEmployeed at meta TC $200kYoe 6 years Not loving my current team, bad product/codebase. I have an undergrad de How fast is Bloomberg. I work in a department at Apple that's loaded with ex-Googlers. Meta Rivos current offers - Blind Is Google better than Microsoft enough to take L63 => L4? Naw, but seems Meta is flushing cash down the drain. Hi, I recently got an offer from Rivos. But that's generally BS, I started receiving emails from Meta recruiters after a few months. Sorry if it hurts you, if it did, I have proved my point that you have mental sickness of working at a prestigious company, this might also be affecting your real life friends. at Meta Edit: no more bootcamp graduations, cost cutting planned, hiring freeze for an year, orgs need to shrink specially non-AI ones. Currently in SaaS sales and looking for account executive/manager roles. Lol, you need education on how to interact with people and how not to feel superior by merely working at a reputable company or by graduating from a top university. Meta IC6/M2 - not taking new candidates. Not a money issue. I have actually passed the Google interview at L4 and they're going to give me the opportunity to take a couple additional interviews for L5. If so whats the limit?TC: 280L4 I will be joining google in the following week. Can't speak about Meta, but my team at AWS does incentivize more complex longer-term projects. How much time did you spend running aarons during work this week Meta Miranda is hosting an all FTE Global Recruiting call tomorrow at 8am PSTcurious whats going down.E6TC 185000#severance #layoff My current TC is ~400k, I am ICT4 and been here for 3+ years. at Meta The reaction from Twitter employees on @TeamBlind an app that allows people at different companies to post anonymously is something to behold. Meta What's some slang that only faang or tech folks will understand? If they meet 15% and keep the productivity alive then raise for some directors. Meta Get free career advice from verified professionals at Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook, and other top companies in the Tech industry. In 2013, two former colleagues at the countrys largest online platform Naver, Moon Sung-uk and Jung Young-joon, set up TeamBlind to launch the app. Faang slang - Blind at META Meta So it is a protocol but also comes with framework. Are there any folks here who had gotten offer from Rivos within last month? working only with candidates in pipes IC7+ - still hiring. Meta is very focused on privacy. I do not see any chance of promotion anytime soon at Apple and there are no management opportunities in the org. Is it worth moving to Meta? Just because you made it at Amazon doesnt give you an automatic buy into where you spoke. This puts him at the same level as guys like Gates, Bezos, Musk, Apple (way more than Jobs when he died), Walmart family, Google founders, etc Except those other guys have innovated and changed the world for the better. Edit: please comment why I should and why I should not. Joined about 5 months ago as E5 and I think Ive cracked the meta culture. It discovered over 400 fraudulent Android and iOS apps that target internet users to steal their login information this year. Got on offer last month before meta goes hiring freeze, but IC3 for 8 YOE.. is this normal or too lower ball offer?Location: SG, South beachBase: 80kRSU: 35kBonus: 10%Sign on: 10kRole: EE Windows, Office, Mac, IPhone, Tesla cars, Prime and AWS, Google search, fucking No exposure to Python/ML on the job. Sorry if it hurts you, if it did, I have proved my point that you have mental sickness of working at a prestigious company, this might also be affecting your real life friends. Lol, you need education on how to interact with people and how not to feel superior by merely working at a reputable company or by graduating from a top university. Blind: App that has everyone in the workplace talking (Poll) What is the expectation privacy, security and audit will be Working Nothing internal to Meta itself Microsoft Meta goes full hire freeze for 2022. will goog/amzn/msft follow? 60% of all Meta and Microsoft employees 30% of all Google employees Things you can do on Blind: Lots of channels to choose from Whether you are into trending tech news, salary negotiations, job opportunities, interview preparation or series of posts around layoffs and referrals, there's a channel on Blind for you. Exception: MLEs are still recruited on all levels source: workplace engineering fyi #tech #meta #microsoft #amzn #google Cuz meta headcount grew from 45k to like 75k in 2 years, empire builders built huge teams and expenses r out of control Does anyone else see something wrong with this? Wfh reimbursement - Blind Google Play Working teamblind Please enlighten.Remote / hybrid work a plus.Tired of rat race. I am currently L63 SWE at Microsoft, been here for only 6 months. Would like to do ML but not at Research Scientist level nor MLE. Id like to become a Data Scientist with focus on product analytics, A/B testing, experimentation. Meta Considering taking a year off @ 45 yo. Is that a bad idea? teamblind IC3/IC4/IC5/M1 - full freeze. Grpc also provides out of the box interfaces and levels of abstraction to manage API. Y'all laughed, but look what's happened! Amazon is truly a pioneer in the tech industry, now widely copied The FAANGs have 50-110k engineers each, Microsoft claims 100k - Citadel, Jump, Jane Street, Two Signa, etc have 100-1500. Please let me know. News articles say Mark wants their employees to use the metaverse and barely anyone outside of the company wants to use it Oct 14 6 0 What I'm worried about is that after 1 year off, I may face challenges to find a new job as SWE, given advanced age. Amazon pioneered PIP culture. Every director and above is given a target to reduce staff by 10% - 15%. I need to discuss some offer details. Heard from an ex-colleague who is L7 at META. London financial/quant/DS firms with excellent WLB and > 100k Bernard Arnault (owner of Louis Vuitton and others) is worth $150b at Meta at Meta working Employees will start receiving emails on improvement plan along with an option to resign starting next week. Referrals pls - Blind Meta yanks internship offers in Mark Zuckerbergs latest cost-slashing move New York Post Moon now serves as the companys CEO. Hey TeamBlind,I have 4 YOE and TC 120k. Meta has contacted Apple and Google about the problem to stop customer data from being hacked further. Need a list of London based financial / quant / data science firms and roles with excellent WLB and > 100k GBP TC for 7 YOE. Because of past penalties, we very likely put much more work into it than any other tech company. Looking to transition to PM.Would greatly appreciate any support!#referral #faang #google #microsoft #amazon #meta #snap #tiktok I would like to know if google reimburse for the standing desk and chair? He just said this like 15 mins ago. Meta All the engineers at Meta complain we can barely get things done, anything we do goes through a privacy review. Bombed every single onsite I had (google, citadel, jump, Hrt, two Now everyone is copying.In the financial crisis, in the dotcom crash, tech companies had a lot of embarrassing layoffs. I cannot retire yet, but I have enough saved to stay 1 year off work and not hurt my savings badly. More Lay-offs coming to GoggleWoggleLand? - Blind It's like 50% ex-Googlers.They literally make me want to go back to Amazon because they are so insufferable. Current SWE 2 about to finish my MBA in finance. Any referrals would be incredibly appreciated. F*** ZUCK. I have an offer from Meta (~460k excluding Refreshers) + 90k joining bonus. So, its third party apps that captured user data. WhatsApp is secure because of the Signal Protocol which was not developed by WhatsApp, but they were the first big messaging service to use it Most recent perf checkin was Exceeds Expectations + Here are the points: - Completely ignore all long term projects, they are worthless - Focus ONLY on short term impact (4-6 weeks is best, can be 8 weeks sometimes) - Write at least 2-3 workplace (our internal message board) posts per week Title says it all. Meta Especially in Go, a whole ecosystem is out of the box with plug andgo Another meta guy clarifying Regardless of that, currently there is a hiring freeze till next year, so you can't apply and/or considered for any positions at Meta. Meta currently working as a BIE at Amazon doing dashboards and using SQL.